Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 13

Olivia was super vocal today! She was babbling away, singing along with me, and she answers back with a sound when you ask her a question. She knew the end of the dive was coming when she saw the tech come around to the side of the chamber. She's well aware of where the door is. When the door opened, she cheered! She ran up to the tech and hugged her. She took her by the hand and they ran over to where the stickers are kept. She's loving the stickers! We are on our way home now and she's sleeping. We decided next week to take Wednesday off to see if that helps Olivia get more rest. Her teachers keep writing how tired she is. On a very positive note, for two nights straight now she is sleeping all night without interuption! Daddy and I are loving it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I found out about your blog from Delayed Darlings, and I just wanted to say that I am really enjoying reading about Olivia's experience and progress. And I love your positive attitude!

    Thanks for posting,
